Retirement can be one of the most productive and positive seasons in your life. However, putting your health first will play an integral role in ensuring that you can really enjoy your golden years. Luckily, there are numerous strategies that you can deploy to ensure that you live a healthy lifestyle during retirement. Here are four of them:
Find the Perfect Retirement Place
One strategy you can use to promote a healthy lifestyle during retirement is finding the perfect place to spend your golden years. When you start considering which states and local communities might be ideal, make sure to consider a place where the environment is overall healthy and there are tons of opportunities for you to eat right and exercise.
For example, you may want to consider the benefits of retiring in Tigard, OR where there are tons of trails to walk and walk on as the town is trying to become the most walkable community in the Northwest. This type of environment is definitely a plus if you’re trying to stay fit and active.
In South West England, there is a place called Christchurch in Dorset. Like Tigard, there are tons of things about it that are drawing in the retiring crowd—boating, shops on the harbor, and activities like pottering. The weather there is never too hot or too cold, which is great for those trying to escape both extremes for health or personal reasons.
So wherever you want to live, just make sure that it has an environment that supports the type of lifestyle that you want to live.
Implement a Yoga Practice
In addition to finding the right place to retire, consider the value of implementing a yoga practice. As people age, their cardiovascular and respiratory systems will oftentimes start to decline. Additionally, the metabolism can begin to slow down. When this happens, your body’s natural weight management abilities can be hampered. Yet, yoga can help combat these aspects of the aging process by strengthening your heart, teaching you how to breathe, and speeding up your metabolism.
There are several ways that you can implement a yoga practice, and one is by hiring an instructor. You might also want to consider the value of joining a local gym where classes are taught. There are also tons of online streaming videos that can take you through a decent yoga workout that you can do from your own home, which is perfect for those who don’t have much time and might be able to squeeze in just 15 minutes or so a day.
Meditate Daily
Meditating daily is another wonderful strategy that you can implement to promote health during retirement. This technique is important and advantageous because it enhances your cognitive agility while also fighting age-related conditions such as dementia. Some of the other health benefits of meditation include better sleep and enhanced memory.
When people think of meditating, they often think of people sitting cross-legged and doing “om” chants. Although that is one way of going about it, there are a ton of different ways for you to incorporate meditating into your daily schedule. If sitting in a ritualistic position isn’t for you, then you can just sit in a chair.
Try and keep your body as still as you can and have your hands in your lap. Close your eyes and focus on what is around you with your ears. As you focus, you’ll be more in tune with what is around you through the sounds that you’re hearing. If you find yourself going off into random thoughts, reign yourself in by counting backwards slowly from 20 to zero and then try and focus on the sounds again.
For every number that you count, exhale and inhale. Let the breaths be long and drawn out as this will help you to feel relaxed. Try and do this every morning to eliminate stress in your life and to help you feel more rejuvenated.
Eat Your Fruits and Veggies
If you’re serious about leading a healthy lifestyle during retirement, get serious about eating your fruits and veggies. These foods can help fight a wide range of health challenges that elderly people tend to face, including unwanted weight gain. Also note that some fruits and veggies can help improve brain function.
This benefit is particularly important given that elderly people are oftentimes susceptible to cognitive impairments such as dementia. For example, The Telegraph notes that broccoli contains vitamin K and choline. Each of these properties can help improve brain function.
If you want to be healthy in old age, it’s important to know that thinking and acting strategically can help you realize the goal. Use some or all of the strategies outlined above to ensure that you remain on the road to a healthy lifestyle during retirement.
The post How to Live a Healthy Lifestyle During Retirement appeared first on VectorCentral News, Stories and Reviews.